
IOC board members are found to be the terrorists ! Take them to The Hague !

World is now fighting against Corona Virus or Covid-19.
Many countries shut down their international borders to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 and some even declare the War against it.

However, International Olympic Committee is still sticking to Tokyo Olympic Game scheduled to be held this coming July, just 4 months ahead.
→ 'No need for drastic decisions at this stage,' say Olympic organizers ahead of Tokyo 2020

>"The IOC remains fully committed to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, and
>with more than four months to go before the Games there is no need for
>any drastic decisions at this stage; and any speculation at this moment would
>be counter-productive."

As a Japanese national living in Tokyo Bay Area, the center of Tokyo Olympic Game, I, as the member of world community, strongly hope the game to be cancelled for world welfare.
If held as scheduled, not only Tokyo but also World could be destroyed because of the intensified spread of Covid-19.
It could be nightmare and the beginning of the end of the world.

It is war against Corona Virus and we are all soldiers.
In this context, IOC broad members are just the rivalry, which benefits the enemy of human-beings.

Arrest and drag all IOC broad members as War Criminals to The Hague Court, International Court of Justice, for the trail.
They are so evils and just concern and pursue their personal interest only, sacrificing the future of human-beings.

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