
Google の中国国内でのService状況

またもや、GoogleというかChina Great Firewallの件なので、恐縮ですが、面白いサイトなので紹介します。

現時点のGoogle の中国国内でのService状況は、下記のサイトで一目瞭然です。
→ http://www.google.com/prc/report.html

Google Mobileなどは、3/28以降、ステータスが変わっていて(No issues → Partially Blocked)、China Great Firewallの進化の過程を学べると思います。(笑)

Multi National Companyで、IT担当をしている貴公子は、今まで何度も社内で、「中国国内からの通信障害は、China Great Firewallのせいである。」

しかし、今回の件を持って、China Great Firewallの存在を白日の元に晒すことができたし、そうした事がIT技術的に可能な事も、

因みに、China Great Firewallに関する記事はこちらから。(Harvard大学の学内誌のようです。)
よく纏まっていると思います。→ http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/archived_content/people/edelman/pubs/scmp-100102-2.pdf
China’s filtering efforts are far from unique. For example, SaudiArabia, Singapore and Vietnam also filter sites they deem offensive.
In the US, the state of Pennsylvania requires Internet service providers to prevent access to state-identified child pornography,
with other states reportedly considering following suit.
But Chinese filtering goes further than efforts elsewhere, in part by keeping secret the very fact that authorities are blocking
controversial sites. Compare China’s filtering efforts with the corresponding practice in Saudi Arabia: when an Internet user in
the kingdom tries to access a site prohibited there, the browser gives an error message, in Arabic and English, explicitly stating
that access has been prohibited.
It also names the government agency responsible.
The Saudi "access denied" page also lets the user read more about the blocking policy. It even provides a form allowing the user
to ask the administration to reconsider its block on the site.
In contrast, a Chinese user requesting a prohibited site gets no explicit report that the site has been blocked.

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